
Showing posts from September, 2024

Big Game

Getting a quick pep talk from Toby. I think I got this. Taking the field. We're winning!  Good game, Toby. We make a good team.  


Sometimes when you have the snuggliest dad in all the land, you just pass out in the middle of everything else that's going on.  

Cannon Ball

This little cannon has entertained my children for hours on end. For obvious reasons.   

School Pics

Sharing a couple shots from Spencer's teacher from the first week of school. According to her everyone is learning the routine and have already mastered lining-up.   Spencer is the lunch helper this week, which means he's responsible for placing everyone's lunches out at the table. He decides where everyone is going to sit at lunch. A big responsibility that he is taking very seriously. 

Pretty Sure

I'm pretty sure you're going to love what my Cafe has to offer. Yep. You're going to love it. I'm going to cook you 3 orders. Because it's just that good.  

School Tales

Filling us in on his day at school. (Suffice to say he does not like it when his classmates don't listen to his polite requests.)  

More Sour Grapes

Not to be outdone, Spencer had to try then too...  

Ready for the next step

3 days of school and Spencer figures he's ready to start teaching.  

Peeking Over

Peeking over.  

Did You Get The Shot?

When you've "cheese"d... and "cheese"d... and "cheese"d... and finally you just have to take a break.  

Dig It

Digging with Toby. Hard work, but also a lot of fun.  

First Day of School!

Today was Spencer's first day of school. At the time of the picture he was pretty nervous and all three of us were holding back tears when he went in.   While it was hard to see him go, we know he's ready to crush it because of the amazing job Cotton has done with him.  I'm happy to report that he had a good day. Some of the things he told us about were the sandbox at the playground, the toy kitchen and superheroes in the classroom, and singing the ABCs.   Mom, Dad, and Toby are all super excited for you, Spencer! We're looking forward to hearing more about your adventures at Pilgrim.   


Enjoying some live music from the comfort of home.  

He shoots...

..he scores.  

Excitement Abounds

Birthday's are exciting even when they aren't yours. .