Mom, this bear costume is not quite cutting it. I'm being as cute as I can, but it's missing something. Hmm. I like the tree idea, but it's going to be hard to take this trick or treating with us...
Spencer loves watching Toby zip around the apartment. I suspect it will be pretty exciting around here once he's able to move around himself. For now, he's taking it all in.
My agent told me that I've aged out of my previous headshots. I think my muscles look just as good in this one. (We'll fix that drool spot in post.) I think this one shows my inquisitive, dreamy nature. I've got muscles but I'm also sensitive.
Sometimes it feels like a race between the baby and the outfit. We got to wear this one at least once before it's too small. Will we be able to squeeze in a second wearing? Time will tell.
We like trying to catch the fish with our feet. At this point, it's probably just as hard to catch them with his feet as his hands. (Lest you be concerned about how low the mobile is, we don't leave it on unless we are with him.)
How is it possible for someone who gets so much sleep to be the cause of everyone else getting so little sleep? This system to terribly flawed. Enjoy it while it lasts kiddo.
I'm ready for my workout. (This workout includes doughnuts, right? Right?!?) [In case this looked familiar, you can see Toby in the same headband here .]